Who we are

CASA is a national voice for Canada’s post-secondary students. Established in 1995, CASA is a non-partisan, not-for-profit student organization composed of student associations from across Canada. We represent undergraduate, graduate and polytechnic associations.

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invested in Canada Summer Jobs
to remove the interest on Canada Student Loans
invested in the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy

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Digital Transformation: Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Canadian Post-Secondary Education

CASA champions innovative and forward-thinking approaches in post-secondary education, ensuring a high-quality and dynamic learning experience. As Canada takes the lead in AI governance, CASA advocates for the responsible and ethical use of AI in academic settings. In the absence of a national regulatory framework, our commitment to innovation drives us to foster an education system that embraces emerging technologies while protecting student interests and equipping them for lifelong learning in the digital age.   Our Vision for Artificial Intelligence CASA advocates for tangible actions that guarantee post-secondary students receive a high-quality education in an inclusive and supportive environment. Our core principles regarding AI in post-secondary education in Canada are as follows: The use of AI technologies, including Generative AI, must complement the learning experience. The use of AI technologies for evaluations and screening of student work should be discouraged, given the ample evidence that untested AI systems introduce bias and discriminatory practices towards certain student demographics. The federal government should aim to provide clear regulations, definitions, and legislation surrounding AI usage, particularly regarding its use in immigration systems. Want to learn more?  Fact sheet here!                              Full report here!               
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We're Hiring: Communications & Public Relations Officer

We're Hiring: Communications and Public Relations Officer Position: Communications and Public Relations Officer Reporting to: Executive Director Organization Status:  Full-time, contract Location: Ottawa, Ontario Compensation: $50,000-$53,000 (37.5-44 hours) + Benefits (Health, Dental and RRSP matching) Posted: January 22nd, 2025  Closing: February 12, 2025 Applications must include: Cover letter, resume Submit application to: [email protected] Who We Are The Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA) believes that any academically qualified student with the desire to pursue post-secondary education should not face a barrier, financial or otherwise, to obtaining that education. We are an alliance of 26 student associations from coast-to-coast, advocating that Canada’s post-secondary education system should be affordable, accessible, innovative, and of the highest quality.  Position Profile: Based in downtown Ottawa and reporting to the Executive Director, the Communications and Public Relations Officer (CPRO) is responsible for CASA’s internal and external communication efforts. Working in a small, dynamic team, the CPRO will be charged with promoting CASA’s objectives and upholding its public image through a variety of activities, including: developing communications strategies, creating written and multimedia content, engaging in media relations, and managing the organization’s websites and social media accounts. For those who are creative and driven, this is an excellent opportunity to exercise your skills and spearhead projects of your own imagination.
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Students Across Canada Continue to Advocate for Long-Term Sustainable Funding

Ottawa, December 16th, 2024 - Today, the Government of Canada tabled the 2024 Fall Economic Statement in the House of Commons. The Canadian Alliance of Students Association (CASA) and Quebec Student Union (QSU) acknowledge the ongoing impacts of earlier 2024 investments in housing, student aid, and research. These actions will continue to have impacts on student affordability and workforce development.  CASA welcomed the significant investments in students announced in Budget 2024 and post-secondary students were paying close attention to this Fall Economic Statement, since elevated levels of federal student aid expire in 2025. Similarly, investments in programs like the Student Work Placement Program, and the Post-secondary Student Support Program are non-permanent. Additionally, federal research funds for graduate students remain unindexed to the rising cost of living. The absence of long-term, sustainable funding poses an imperative impact on many crucial investments made in Budget 2024 for post-secondary students.
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Post-Secondary Students Call On Federal Government To Power Productivity And Innovation in Canada's Future Workforce

November 25, 2024—OTTAWA The Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA) in partnership with the Quebec Student Union (QSU) are convening over 100 student leaders on Parliament Hill this week to ask the federal government for changes that will help to alleviate rising costs of education and inflationary pressure faced by students. “Across the country, the stories we hear from students are the same. It’s crucial for our government to invest in the future of our economy by investing in students—our researchers, innovators, and future business leaders,” said Nelson Chukwuma, Chair of CASA. “Students contribute significantly to the economy while in school and even more so after graduating into high-quality jobs. Supports are urgently needed to address the rising costs of education, housing, and food.” Students in our Post Secondary Institutions have a strong stake in the success of Canada. Post-secondary students, like all Canadians, believe that our country can realize the potential of being more productive and prosperous.  “Le travail que notre population étudiante accomplit cette semaine est important car il a un impact sur l’avenir du Canada.. C’est un objectif sur lequel nous travaillons et espérons que notre message de bâtir l’avenir trouvera un écho auprès du gouvernement fédéral,” added Étienne Paré, President of the QSU. “Ensemble, l’ACAE et l’UEQ demandent au gouvernement fédéral de prendre des mesures audacieuses pour assurer la prospérité future du Canada. En relevant les défis auxquels la population étudiante est confrontée aujourd’hui, nous pouvons bâtir une main-d’œuvre équipée, diversifiée et prête à faire avancer le pays. CASA and UEQ are bringing a policy agenda to ensure Canada has skilled workers ready for the future. We propose removing barriers to labour productivity, in two broad categories: Developing skills for the future: Enhancing the development of skills in the post-secondary system and ensuring a smooth transition from the classroom to the workforce. Removing Barriers to Productivity: Tapping into underutilized potential sources of labour by removing economic barriers to post-secondary education including social, historical and political obstacles.                                                                -30- About CASA Established in 1995, the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA) is a non-partisan, not-for-profit national student organization composed of 26 student associations representing over 300,000 post-secondary students from coast to coast. Through our partnership with the Quebec Student Union/Union étudiante du Québec, we represent 400,000 post-secondary students across Canada. CASA advocates for a Canadian post-secondary education system that is accessible, affordable, innovative, and of the highest quality. About QSU The Quebec Student Union mission is to defend the rights and interests of the student community, of its member associations, and of their members, by promoting, protecting, and ameliorating the conditions of students and those of local and international communities. The QSU represents more than 91,000 members from university campuses across Quebec.  FOR INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT Abigail SamuelsCASA Communications & Policy Assistant [email protected]  647-544-4579 Alexandre DucharmeQSU Political and Press Advisor [email protected] 514 497-2602
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@CASAACAE unites and amplifies the voices of post-secondary students across Canada. Find out more!