Campaign will feature physical and digital walls for students and graduates to share their debt loads and stories about how student debt affects them.
OTTAWA—February 24, 2014
Students and graduates from across Canada are sharing their stories and telling federal and provincial governments that it’s time to prioritize need-based grants.
“Students who take on debt are less likely to complete their studies than their debt-free classmates,” said Jonathan Champagne, National Director of the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA). “The students who take on debt and complete their studies are less likely to buy a home, have children or savings, or be married,” he added. “Student debt is a growing problem for families, communities, and the economy.”
In 2013-2014 CASA lobbied the federal government to increase funding to the Canada Student Grants Program, which has helped students with the most financial need decrease their debt loads.
“We’re calling on students and graduates to share their stories about the trouble they are facing accessing education and paying down debt loads,” said Amanda Nielsen, Chair of CASA. “They can add a digital brick to the Wall of Debt at or by using the hashtag #wallofdebt on Twitter.”
For more information please contact:
Rob LeForte
Government Relations Officer
Office: 613-236-3457 ext. 221
Email: [email protected]