Students Make Final Push Before Election 2015


OTTAWA, November 27, 2014 – The Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA) has wrapped up its annual advocacy week held in Ottawa from November 18-20.  60 student leaders from across Canada, representing over 400,000 students,  took to Parliament to meet with key decision-makers. During the week, CASA delegates met with 141 Members of Parliament and Senators, eight Cabinet Ministers, and The Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper.

“Advocacy week provides student leaders with a unique opportunity to raise post-secondary education issues with MPs and Senators”, said Travis Gordon, CASA Board Chair. “This year was extremely successful and our priorities were well received by those who we met with”.

Since 1995, CASA has been meeting and working with all parties to bring its message of the need for a post-secondary education system that is accessible, affordable, innovative and of the highest quality. This year, CASA had five key advocacy priorities that focused on:

  • Expansion of the Canada Student Loans and Canada Student Grants programs
  • Increased institutional support for the indirect costs of research
  • Elimination of the 2% cap on the Post-Secondary Student Support Program
  • Enhancing Canada’s Labour Market Information
  • Renewal of the Mental Health Commission of Canada, with a focus on students

“This year CASA met with The Prime Minister, Mr. Trudeau and Ms. May, while last year we met with Mr. Mulcair. Meeting with Canada’s national leaders is extremely important in order to create an understanding of the issues facing Canadian students”, said Gordon. “As we move into an election cycle we hope education becomes part of the national discourse”.

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About CASA

Established in 1995, the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA) is a non-partisan, not-for-profit national student organization composed of 22 student associations representing 280,000 post-secondary students from coast to coast. CASA advocates for a Canadian post-secondary education system that is accessible, affordable, innovative and of the highest quality.


Matthew Rios
Email: [email protected]
Office: 613-236-3457 ext. 221
Cell: 902-300-2102

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Students Make Final Push Before Election 2015
Students Make Final Push Before Election 2015
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