Students applaud improvements to study permit program

Multiple-entry visas will improve mobility and enhance experiences for international students


OTTAWA—February 4th, 2014

The Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA) is pleased that government has made positive changes to visa processing for Canada’s international students.

“CASA has been calling on the government to provide multiple-entry visas to students and we’re happy these changes are being made,” said Amanda Nielsen, Chair of CASA. “Improving the clarity of visa applications will help government reach the goal of increasing Canada’s international student population.”

In 2013 CASA made multiple-entry visas for international students an advocacy priority.

“We know that international students bring a diversity of perspective to Canada’s college and university campuses,” added Nielsen. “This move will improve their ability to take part in programs like exchanges which will add to the learning experience they receive.”

The Department of Citizenship and Immigration has not made public the factors that influence the decision to award individuals multiple-entry or single-entry visas.


For further information please contact:
Rob LeForte
Government Relations Officer
Office:   613-236-3457 ext. 221
[email protected]

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Students applaud improvements to study permit program
Students applaud improvements to study permit program
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