Student Leaders in Ottawa to Discuss Post-Secondary Education and Federal Advocacy


OTTAWA, May 24th, 2016 – The Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA) is proud to welcome a new cohort of student leaders in Ottawa this week. Delegates from CASA’s 21 members schools, representing over 250,000 post-secondary students, are gathered together to discuss issues that matter to students from all backgrounds and ways to improve Canada’s post-secondary education system.

“The federal government plays an important role in post-secondary education and students know they have a say in the direction of their education”, said Erik Queenan, out-going Board Chair for CASA. “This week is about showcasing CASA as an effective voice for students and equipping incoming student leaders with the necessary tools to achieve their federal and local advocacy objectives”.

For over 20 years, CASA has maintained a member-driven approach, bringing student voices to the federal government and directly initiating change. CASA’s ability to remain non-partisan while representing a variety of different student groups has solidified the organization’s reputation as a credible, effective, and determined voice for students.

“I wish the 2016-2017 cohort of CASA delegates the best of luck as they begin their year with the organization as champions of student interests”, said Queenan.


About CASA        
Established in 1995, the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA) is a non-partisan, not-for-profit national student organization composed of 21 student associations representing 250,000 post-secondary students from coast to coast. CASA advocates for a Canadian post-secondary education system that is accessible, affordable, innovative, and of the highest quality.



Amélie Gadient, Public Affairs Officer
Email: [email protected]
Office: 613-236-3457 ext: 224
Mobile: 514-588-6509



The Canadian Alliance of Student Associations advocates for better post-secondary education and aims to improve the lives of students. L'Alliance canadienne des associations étudiantes défend les intérêts des étudiant(e)s.
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Student Leaders in Ottawa to Discuss Post-Secondary Education and Federal Advocacy
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