Advocacy Week November 2022 Recommendations

The Canadian Alliance of Student Associations and the Quebec Student Union have developed a suite of recommendations that support Canadian students in addressing the rising costs of living while building a more innovative, accessible, and affordable post-secondary system. These improves could dramatically improve conditions in Canada's labour market, enhance completion rates for students in a range of high-demand disciplines, and support Canadians in need.

Here are what students are asking the Federal Government in making life more affordable for Canadian Students post-pandemic:

  1. Relieving Inflationary Pressures on Students
    • Eliminate the interest rates on Canada Student Loans.
    • Maintain current funding levels of Canada Student Grant past the 2022-23 school year, permanently doubling grant maximums for eligible students from $3,000 to $6,000 per academic year.
    • Create an up-front, non-repayable Canada Student Grant for graduate students with high financial need, at an estimated cost of $389.5 million per year.
  2. Retailing Canada's Research & Development
    • Increase the value of graduate scholarships awarded by the Tri-Agencies by 48% at a cost of $155.4 million ongoing, and double the number of awards given to Master's, PhD, and postdoctoral students at a cost of $190 million ongoing, to ensure awards are intentionally competitive and address the cost of living.
  3. Supporting On-Campus Student Mental Health
    • Create a new fund of $500 million over 4 years for the hiring of student mental health professionals on post-secondary campuses.
  4. Solving Today's Labour Market Needs
    • Extend the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant to Students who are entering their first year of their apprenticeship. 
    • Modify the conditions to participate in co-op terms and internships that are integrated into a program of study without the need to obtain a separate work permit.
    • Permanently lift the limit on off-campus working hours for international students while their classes are in session.
  5. Increasing Indigenous Access to Post-Secondary
    • Increase investments to the Post-Secondary Student Support Program (PSSSP), and modify the terms of reference of ISETs agreements to remove ties to funding post-secondary education to labour market outcomes. 
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CASA November 2022 Advocacy Week Recommendations
Advocacy Week November 2022 Recommendations
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