Annual General Meeting 2018 Schedule

Monday, March 19th

5:00-7:00 PM


Location: Mezzanine level outside the Jr. Ballroom

Description: Upon arrival at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, delegates can come register for the conference, and meet CASA staff and other attendees in this reception.

Tuesday, March 20th

9:00-9:30 AM

Introduction and Code of Conduct in Brief

Location: Petitcodiac Room

Description: CASA welcomes new and returning delegates to the Annual General Meeting. CASA’s staff and board will run an overview of the conference and what the objectives are. Additionally, delegates will also be briefed on the Code of Conduct.


9:30-10:00 AM

Opening Plenary

Location: Petitcodiac Room

Description: CASA’s members officially open the conference with an opening plenary session. The minutes from AGM are presented, the agenda is voted on and Code of Conduct Officers are officially selected.


10:00-10:15 AM



10:15-11:00 AM

CASA Year-in-Review

Location: Petitcodiac Room

Description: CASA’s Executive Director will provide a review of CASA’s work in 2017-2018, with specific focus on major projects, core operations updates and Budget 2018.


11:00-11:30 AM

Executive Director Hiring Process

Location: Petitcodiac Room

Description: CASA’s Executive Director will provide the membership an overview of the Executive Director hiring process. This session will provide details on the process, timelines and role for the membership in the selection of a new Executive Director.


11:30-12:15 PM

Get Out The Vote 2019

Description: CASA’s Executive Director will provide the membership with the first briefing on the proposed Get Out The Vote 2019 campaign. This session is designed to help delegates prepare for the planning stage of the campaign which will occur in 2018-2019.


12:15-1:30 PM

Lunch (Not Provided)

Location: Downtown Fredericton

Description: Delegates will be free to go to one of the many restaurants that surround the Crowne Plaza hotel.


1:30-3:30 PM

Board Action Plan and Committee Updates

Location: Petitcodiac Room

Description:  CASA’s Board of Directors will provide the membership with an update on the Board Action Plan. Committees will also present on their efforts throughout the year.


3:30-3:45 PM



3:45-5:00 PM

Build-a-Foundations (Participatory Activity)

Location: Petitcodiac Room

Description: CASA’s delegates will work in teams of five (5) to construct a conference schedule for CASA’s Foundations 2018 conference. Foundations is the first conference for many CASA delegates and making sure that they are provided with the right information is essential for ensuring a successful year. Delegates will be called on to think back to their own experiences throughout the year and to help design the conference that will be run in May.


7:00 PM

Social Event - Visit to the Beaverbrook Art Gallery

Location: 703 Queen Street (next to the hotel)

Description: Come and explore the creative works of Canadian, British and First Nations artists at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery. Delegates are invited to come to a private opening of the Gallery after the day's sessions.

Wednesday, March 21st

9:00-10:30 AM

Internal Review – Operational Procedures Review and Strategic Plan 2018-2021

Location: Petitcodiac Room

Description: CASA’s Internal Review committee will present their work on reviewing CASA’s Operational Procedures and the drafting of an updated Strategic Plan. This session will provide a general overview of the work and will provide an opportunity for members to ask questions.


10:30-10:45 AM



10:45-12:00 PM

CASA Policy Presentation: New and revised policies

Location: Petitcodiac Room

Description: CASA’s Policy Committee, Graduate Committee and Trades + Tech Committee will present their work on reviewing and drafting new policies for the organization. This is an opportunity for membership to learn about new policies and to ask questions.

12:00-1:30 PM

Lunch (Not Provided)

Description: Delegates will be free to go to one of the many restaurants that surround the Crowne Plaza hotel.


1:30-2:15 PM

QSU/CASA Partnership Review

Location: Petitcodiac Room

Description: CASA’s Treasurer will provide a report on the partnership with the Quebec Student Union.


2:15-3:00 PM

Member Relations Committee – Supporting Delegate Transitions

Location: Petitcodiac Room

Description: CASA’s Member Relations Committee will brief members on how to better prepare incoming delegates for a year in CASA.

3:00-3:15 PM



3:15-4:00 PM

Abacus Data – Polling Results

Location: Petitcodiac Room

Description: CASA commissioned a poll with Abacus Data on a variety of questions about post-secondary education. The Executive Director will provide the membership with a review of the results and will provide the membership with the plan for releasing them.


4:00-5:00 PM

Executive Director Exit Interview

Location: Petitcodiac Room

Description: Continuing the tradition, CASA’s membership will be provided an opportunity to ask questions and discuss with the outgoing Executive Director.


6:00-8:00 PM

Reception Dinner

Location: Petitcodiac Room

Description: CASA’s delegates are invited to the end-of-year reception dinner. CASA’s Board will also announce the winners of CASA’s awards for 2017-2018. Dress up if you'd like!


Thursday, March 22nd

9:00-10:30 AM

CASA Financial Update, Auditors and presentation of the YE2019 Budget

Location: Petitcodiac Room

Description: CASA’s ED and Treasurer will provide an update on CASA’s actuals, will present the auditors for the organization and will present the YE2019 Budget to the membership. Observers are welcome.


10:30-10:45 AM



10:45-11:45 AM

From Here Until Foundations

Location: Petitcodiac Room

Description: CASA’s ED will provide delegates with an overview of what happens after AGM as CASA prepares for a new membership year. CASA’s chair will also discuss the alumni council.


11:45-12:45 PM

Lunch (Not Provided)

Description: Delegates will be free to go to one of the many restaurants that surround the Crowne Plaza hotel.


12:45-5:00 PM

Closing Plenary

Location: Petitcodiac Room

Description: CASA’s members conduct the business of the conference in a formal meeting session.

Note: Observers are welcome, though they may be asked to leave the room should the meeting go in-camera. Note: With plenary there is always a chance it could run later into the evening, please plan travel accordingly.

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Annual General Meeting 2018 Schedule
Annual General Meeting 2018 Schedule
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