Annual General Meeting 2018



Who: Both CASA's member associations as well as observers (non-member student associations) are welcome to attend.

What: CASA's Annual General Meeting is the final conference of the academic year. During this conference, members undertake a complete evaluation of the organization and formulate recommendations for the following year's membership.

Where: Crowne Plaza Fredericton - Lord Beaverbrook in Fredericton, New Brunswick

When: March 20th at 9:00 am to March 22nd around 5:00 pm (estimated), 2018 **March 19th and late March 22nd or March 23rd should be reserved as travel days

Host association: University of New Brunswick Student Union

Registration deadline: March 1st, 2018


Quick Links:





CASA has a room block booked at the Crowne Plaza Fredericton - Lord Beaverbrook from March 19th to the 22nd or 23rd. To book under CASA's room block and receive our discounted rate, please book online here by Monday, February 19, 2018. After this date, you will not be eligible for CASA's discounted room rate and will not be guaranteed a room in the Crowne Plaza Fredericton - Lord Beaverbook.



  • CASA members: FREE for up to 2 individuals from each student association, $300/person for any additional attendees
  • First-time observers: FREE for up to 2 individuals from each student association, $300/person for any additional attendees
  • Observers who have previously attended a CASA conference: $300/person

All attendees must cover the costs of travel, food, and accommodations throughout.


Observer Guidelines

Code of Conduct

  1. As is the case with all participants at CASA’s conferences, Observers are required to abide by CASA’s Code of Conduct.

Participation during CASA Conferences

  1. Members shall decide before the beginning of any breakout sessions, committee meetings or other similar informal planning sessions held by CASA members, what rules they wish members to adhere to for the session in question, and shall be responsible for communicating those rules to observers prior to the session commencing.
  2. Observer schools are encouraged to participate in discussions, ask questions of member schools, and otherwise to engage in lines of inquiry that help clarify for themselves the nature of CASA operations, policy and advocacy goals. 



  1. Observer schools are invited to view the plenary session, but will not be permitted to sit at the plenary table.
  2. Speaking permissions can be given to an observer by a CASA member school.
  3. The membership, at its own discretion, can, by a majority vote, choose to enter in an “in-camera” session during plenary. Should this occur, all observers and non-members are required to leave the room.


Social Media

Delegates are encouraged to talk about the conference and their work with CASA over the year on social media, and can use our official hashtag #CASAAGM18 or our Snapchat filter to do so.



If you encounter any difficulties registering for the conference or have general questions about the event, please contact Lindsay Boyd at [email protected] or 613-236-3457 ext. 224. If you are an observer and would like to know more about CASA, please contact Michael McDonald at [email protected] or 613-236-3457 ext. 222.

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Annual General Meeting 2018
Annual General Meeting 2018
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