CASA envisions a post-secondary system where all students have the opportunity to pursue meaningful career-relevant experience while studying, and are able to draw on the considerable knowledge and expertise they develop in their studies as they embark on their careers. CASA envisions a country where all youth, students, and recent graduates who want to work have opportunities to do so, where they can make the most of their skills and abilities, and where they earn a living that allows them to live comfortably while contributing to the broader economy and society.
- The federal government adopt the Canadian Career Development Foundation’s 8 recommendations to support Poorly Integrated New Entrants (PINEs).
- The federal government create a part-time job program for post-secondary students that runs from September to April, modeled after the Canada Summer Jobs program, and offering the same number of part-time jobs as the Canada Summer Jobs creates during summer months.
- The Apprenticeship Incentive Grant be made available during the first year of an apprenticeship, as well as in the Journeyman year.
- The maximum amount for Trades-person’s Tool Deductions be increased from $500 to $1,000.
To read the full report, click here.