During this unprecedented time, supporting students and recent graduates is more important than ever. At a uniquely vulnerable point in their lives, students have been blindsided by lost income, online classes, a summer of isolation, and bleak job prospects following graduation. While the Canadian post-secondary system is strong, students in Canada remain worried about their studies and financial stability moving forward. In light of this, the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations has sought to bring forward a suite of recommendations that aim to alleviate student anxiety through additional financial support and enhanced access to technology and broadband necessary for online learning.
Summary of recommendations:
- Recommendation #1: Maintain the 2020-2021 funding levels to Canada Student Grants under the Canada Student Loans Program in response to COVID-19, thus doubling grant maximums for eligible students from $3,000 to $6,000 per academic year going forward.
- Recommendation #2: Take immediate steps to accelerate investment into rural high-speed Internet access across Canada.
- Recommendation #3: Commit additional funding to provide appropriate digital technology to any low- income post-secondary student who needs it.
- Recommendation #4: Using existing resources, build better financial literacy tools within the Canada Student Loans Program portal in consultation with student stakeholders.