A post-secondary education (PSE) has never been more important to one’s economic security and wellbeing. Given the significant “earnings premium” for PSE graduates and their high employment rates, the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA) believes PSE should play a role in any effort to improve the economic situation of women in Canada.
Women are accessing PSE in Canada at higher rates than ever before, and are now outpacing men in attaining certificates and degrees. It is also true, however, that women encounter distinct challenges, especially when we take an intersectional approach that considers the barriers to access faced by women from historically marginalized groups, from low-income backgrounds, and those with dependents.
CASA proposes several PSE focused policies to improve the experiences of women in PSE and their associated economic outcomes. Click here to read CASA's recommendations, which were presented to the Standing Committee on the Status of Women (FEWO) by our chairperson, Shifrah Gadamsetti, on June 1, 2017.