Kananaskis: July 24th-July 27th, 2017
Location (unless otherwise noted): Delta Lodge, Kananaskis, Ballroom Mt. Kidd A/B
Monday, July 24th
5:00-7:00 pm - Registration
Lead: Home Office
Location: Delta Lodge Lobby
Format: N/A
Description: Upon arrival at the Delta Lodge, delegates can come register for the conference, and meet CASA staff, the Board and other attendees.
Tuesday, July 25th
8:00-8:30 am - Breakfast (optional)
8:30-9:00 am - Elder Opening and Introduction
Lead: ED
Format: Opening Remarks
Description:CASA welcomes delegates and observers to Policy and Strategy. CASA’s staff and board will run an overview of the conference and what the objectives are. Chief Charles Weaselhead, Treaty 7 Grand Chief, will be providing the opening remarks.
9:00-9:15 am - Code of Conduct in Brief
Lead: ED
Format: PowerPoint Presentation
Description: Introduce delegates to CASA Code of Conduct policy, as well a expectations on conduct at conferences. The Board will introduce the candidates for the role of Code of Conduct officer during the conference.
9:15-10:00 am - Opening Plenary
Lead: CASA’s Chair (Plenary Chair) and Secretary (Minutes)
Format: Plenary (informal)
Description: The members conduct the CASA business to open a conference. Included in this session will be a vote on permanent Code of Conduct Officers for the duration of CASA’s 2017-2018 academic year.
10:00-10:30 am - Priorities Selection Overview and Process
Lead: CASA’s Board and ED
Format: PowerPoint Presentation
Description: CASA’s Board and ED review the process that has led to policy and strategy. This will provide all non-primary delegates and observers an understanding of how CASA got to where it is today, and what that will mean for the sessions ahead. A review of the member questionnaire and of the membership calls will be provided.
10:30-10:45 am - Break
10:45-12:00 pm - Priorities Selection: Board Recommendations
Lead: CASA’s Board and ED
Format: PowerPoint Presentation
Description: CASA’s Board will present on the priority areas selected. They will provide a detailed overview and rationale for each one and provide an overview of how they will integrate into the Board’s Action Plan and CASA’s Committee workplans. CASA’s staff will be on standby to provide support.
12:00-1:30 pm - Lunch
1:30-2:30 pm – Priorities Selection: Board Q&A
Lead: CASA’s Board and ED
Format: Question and Answers
Description: CASA’s Board will take members’ questions on the priorities selection process, and the priorities proposed. Following the completion of questions, CASA’s members will have an opportunity to affirm the organizations priorities for the upcoming year.
2:30-2:45 am - Break
Lead: Committee Chairs + Board
Format: Committee Work
Description: CASA’s committees will begin work on charting out their objectives for the year. Committees will review the priority themes and begin to incorporate them into their work. They will also set their own internal objectives. Staff will be on hand to provide additional assistance and advice. The Board can also circulate to every committee and engage directly with members to identify new opportunities for actionables. Those who are not members of committees are encouraged to participate with the committees they are interested in.
Wednesday, July 26th
8:00-9:00 am - Breakfast (optional)
9:00-9:15 am – Day 2 in Brief
Lead: Chair and ED
Format: PowerPoint Presentation
Description: An overview of the day’s sessions and any housekeeping items that need to be transmitted.
9:15-10:15 am – Board Action Plan Presentation
Lead: Board of Directors
Format: PowerPoint Presentation
Description: The Board of Directors will present their action plan for the year. Included will be a description of their respective portfolios and main objectives, projects and timelines for the year. Members will also have an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.
10:15-11:00 am – Board of Directors - Membership Communications Expectations Presentation
Lead: Board of Directors
Format: Consultation
Description: The Board of Directors would like to engage with the membership to discuss expectations for internal communications this year. This session will help the Board to determine how best to reach out to members’ delegates and councils to ensure that they remained apprised of CASA’s activities.
11:00-11:15 am – Break
11:15-12:30 pm – Training Session: Holding Effective Lobby Meetings
Lead: Government and Stakeholder Relations Officer (GSRO)
Format: Powerpoint Presentation
Description: The GSRO will provide a training session on how best to hold lobby meetings in-riding. This presentation will go over in detail the process for reaching out to MPs, organizing a meeting, meeting best practice and other details to help ensure that all delegates feel comfortable meeting with elected officials.
12:30-2:00 pm – Lunch
2:00-2:45 pm – QSU Presentation
Lead: UEQ Representatives
Format: PowerPoint Presentation
Description: Representatives from the Quebec Student Union (QSU) will be giving a presentation on their organization and their advocacy objectives for 2017-2018.
2:45-3:00 pm - Break
3:00-5:00 pm - Committee Working Time and Work Plan Completion
Format: Participatory session
Description: Delegates will participate in the creation of committee work plans. Permanent members of committees will host drafting sessions where non-permanent members can attend. Each committee will be expected to create a work plan that will be presented to the membership the following day at plenary. Following this session committees should submit completed work plans to the Board Chair and Secretary.
Thursday, July 27th
8:00-9:00 am - Breakfast (optional)
9:00-9:15 am – Day 3 in Brief
Lead: Chair and ED
Format: PowerPoint Presentation
Description: An overview of the day’s sessions and any housekeeping items that need to be transmitted.
9:15-10:15 am – CASA Budget Update and Audited Financials Presentation
Lead: Treasurer and ED
Format: PowerPoint Presentation
Description: CASA’s members will be provided a financial update and a presentation of CASA’s audited financial statements for YE2017.
10:15-10:30 am – Break
10:30-11:15 am – From Here Until Advocacy Week
Lead: Chair and ED
Format: PowerPoint Presentation
Description: An overview of what comes after Policy and Strategy: key dates, events, objectives and opportunities between the end of July and November.
11:15-12:30 pm – Closing Plenary
Lead: Plenary Chair
Format: Closing Plenary (formal)
Description: Delegates decide on CASA business. This will include voting on the YE2017 Budget, Audited financials, Committee Workplans, Board Action Plan and Priority Themes.
12:30-13:30 - Lunch
13:30-17:00 - Closing Plenary
Lead: Plenary Chair
Format: Closing Plenary (formal)
Description: Delegates decide on CASA business. This will include voting on the YE2017 Budget, Audited financials, Committee Workplans, Board Action Plan and Priority Themes.