At CASA's 2020 Advocacy Week, students from across the country headed to Ottawa with the goal of making students’ needs known and ensuring they are a priority for the federal government. They met with over 130 Members of Parliament, Ministers, Senators, and post-secondary stakeholders.
CASA’s members, made up of 300,000 students at colleges, universities, and polytechnics across Canada, identified areas where the federal government can create positive change in post-secondary education, and ensure that no one wanting an education gets left behind. In their meetings, students asked government representatives to invest student financial aid for those who need it most, adopt and implement the United Nations Declarations on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, provide better access to co-ops and internships for international students, and ensure that students are represented on decision-making bodies on Canada's Granting Agencies.
To see exactly what student leaders advocated on this year, click on the PDF above