Easy in, easy out

CASA has always operated under the policy that it should be easy to both join and leave the organization; we call it the easy in/easy out policy.

How to Join

  1. Check your association’s constitution and bylaws to see if you need a vote or referendum, and act accordingly
  2. Send CASA’s membership (via [email protected] and [email protected]) a written letter of intent to join
  3. CASA’s membership will decide whether to approve and ratify your request to join at its next meeting
  4. You’re in!

How to Leave

  1. Send CASA (via [email protected] and [email protected]) written notice that you intend to leave 30-90 days before submitting a motion
  2. Submit a motion to leave at your association, or as required by your constitution and bylaws
  3. If the motion passes, send CASA a final written notice to confirm that your motion passed and you are leaving
  4. Your membership will expire 90 days after CASA receives this final notice. CASA stops collecting membership fees after this 90 day period

For more details on the joining and leaving processes, consult CASA's Bylaws and Operating Procedures.


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Easy In, Easy Out
Easy in, easy out
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